Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics

 How an agile approach helps you quickly realise the value of big data 

 1. Ask Questions

Don’t get bogged down by Big Data

Big data is massive and messy, and it’s coming at you fast. These characteristics pose a problem for data storage and processing, but focusing on these factors has resulted in a lot navel-gazing and an unnecessary emphasis on technology.

It’s not about Data. It’s about Insight and Impact

The potential of Big Data is in its ability to solve business problems and provide new business opportunities. So to get the most from your Big Data investments, focus on the questions you’d love to answer for your business. This simple shift can transform your perspective, changing big data from a technological problem to a business solution.

Illustration of Big Data

Big data Insights

What would you really like to know about your business?
  • Why are our customers leaving us?
  • What is the value of a 'tweet' or a 'like'?
  • What products are our customers most likely to buy?
  • What is the best way to communicate with our customers?
  • Are our investments in customer service paying off?
  • What is the optimal price for my product right now?
The value of data is only realised through insight. And insight is useless until it’s turned into action. To strike upon insight, you first need to know where to dig. Finding the right questions will lead you to the well.

2. Accelerate Insight

The facts you need are likely buried within a jumble of legacy systems, hidden in plain sight. Big Data can uncover those facts, but typical analytics projects can turn into expensive, time-consuming technology efforts in search of problems to solve.
We offer a different way.
Agile analytics allow you to achieve big results, little by little, by encompassing:
  • Big data technologies: select the tools and techniques which will best handle the data for your specific goals, timeframe and architecture.
  • Continuous delivery: deliver business value early and often. Build your platform over time, not all up front.
  • Advanced analytics: apply sophisticated statistical techniques to extract actionable knowledge and insights.

3. Learn and apply

Lean learning provides actionable results more rapidly

Our lean learning approach measures the value you gain at each step, in small iterations. Use the results to improve the process or change course to a more fruitful direction.
The benefits of an agile approach:
  • Realise the value from your data much faster than other methods.
  • Save money by avoiding the waste inherent in building your platform before answering crucial business questions.
  • Free your team to pivot when unexpected insights emerge.

Big data value flow


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